Support As You Shop
Did you know, you can support Via Wings while you shop online?

Support As You Shop
Did you know that whenever you buy anything, from your weekly shop to your summer holiday, you could be raising donations for Via Wings to help us support the local community. Thousands of your favourite shops have signed up to help raise funds for charities to support their mission. Some of these shops include M&S, Ebay, Argos and the best news is that it won’t cost you a penny. There are no catches or hidden charges and it only takes a minute to get started.

Donate Through Give As You Live
Over 4000 top retailers including M&S, Ebay and Currys are part of the give as you live initiative. This initiative makes it possible for you to support your favourite charities while you purchase your everyday items online.
Sign Up To Give As You Live:
Sign up to Give As You Live for free through their website or app. Available in the Google and Apple playstore.
Select Via Wings As Your Favourite charity
Select Via Wings as your charity to donate to, as you shop, suppliers will reward your loyality by donating to us!
Select The Store You Would Like To Shop With
Visit your chosen store through Give As You Live and then continue shopping as normal.
Donate Through AmazonSmile
You can support Via Wings when you shop on AmazonSmile.
What is AmazonSmile
Many people shop with Amazon but did you know they have a dedicated site called AmazonSmile, which has all the same products and the same great prices, but they donate money to your favourite charity.
How To Use AmazonSmile
To use AmazonSmile go to smile.amazon.co.uk on your desktop computer or download and install the AmazonSmile app through your app store, using your smartphone. On your first visit, you will be prompted to select a charity organisation. Via Wings is a registered charity with AmazonSmile, so type “Via Wings” to select your charity. AmazonSmile will remember this the next time you shop with them.