Donate to Via Wings to support your local community in Northern Ireland.
Donate To Via Wings
Via Wings cannot do the great work we do for our community without your support. You can donate to Via Wings as a one time donation or set up a monthly donation using the form below.

When Our Community Comes Together In Unity, We Can Do So Much More
Via Wings relies on you to continue the great work we do. We couldn’t support people living with poverty, mental illness, isolation, crisis and emergency without the support of our great community. We have many ways you can get involved with Via Wings and support us and one of the easiest ways is to make a donation. You can donate anything from fuel, food, toiletries or cash. We have broken down how you can donate to Via Wings Below
Other Ways To Donate
You can donate to Via Wings using a variety of methods.
Clothes Donation
You can donate clothes, shoes and other accessories. Please leave these in to our Wings N Things store.
Bank Transfer
You can transfer your donation directly into our bank account. Please email finance@viawings.co.uk for our bank account details. Alternatively, you can also call 028 9269 8378.
Post a Cheque
You can post us a cheque to Via Wings, 9-13 Princes Street, Dromore, BT25 1AY or drop it into our premises. Please make cheques payable to Via Wings.